It lives and grows in the walls of your home. The creeping spores float in and begin to breed and grow in damp, dark areas of your home. 

But what you can't see won't hurt you, right?

Wrong. Mold colonies growing in your home can have a significant impact on your health. In fact, the World Health Organization attributes a significant proportion of cases of childhood asthma to mold and dampness in the home. In the U.S., 8.4% or 6.2 million children, suffer from the disease.

This is a problem that may be addressed by improving living conditions. In particular, by addressing mold problems in homes.

Keep reading to learn about how mold can affect your health.

1. Respiratory Problems

The main health problems that mold can cause are respiratory troubles. Inhaling tiny mold spores can cause inflammation in your airways. This inflammation can present itself in symptoms such as tightness in the chest, nasal congestion, wheezing, irritation in the throat, and coughing.

You probably noticed that these symptoms are often associated with allergies. In fact, mold and dampness in the home are big contributors to allergies. Not only does it exacerbate the problem in people who already suffer from allergy attacks, but also it can be the root cause of the attacks in some people.   

Likewise, mold can worsen symptoms in people with asthma and it can also bring on asthma conditions in some people. 

2. Toxic Black Mold

Toxic black mold, so-called because of its color and effects, is particularly damaging.

At first, symptoms may be limited to coughing, sneezing, eye irritation, chronic headaches, rashes, and fatigue.

However, if nothing is done to address the problem, symptoms can worsen significantly. They may include nausea and vomiting and bleeding from the nose and in the lungs. 

Removing black mold is not a simple task. Everything must be thoroughly cleaned to remove all mold spores. If any spores are left, the mold will quickly take root again and continue multiplying, creating a bigger problem.

To more thoroughly eradicate the problem, consider looking into mold removal services. A good company does their job quickly and leaves the air in your home smelling fresh.

3. Other Illnesses

Those who already have other illnesses or a compromised immune system may find that their symptoms are worse. For example, those undergoing chemotherapy, kids and babies, the elderly, and anyone who has skin problems like eczema may experience more severe symptoms.   

Remember, high humidity and moisture provide the perfect recipe for this gruesome growth. If you live in a damp area, consider testing your home for the presence of mold at regular intervals.

Keep Calm and Breathe Easy

Has this article enlightened you? That's the beauty of the Internet, you can learn about anything.

Wondering if mold could be the culprit of your respiratory troubles? Don't hesitate to contact a service to test for its presence and help you eradicate it.  

Check out more of our blog posts to learn about everything from replacing an HVAC system to resurfacing your kitchen cabinets. 

Posted by PreRealâ„¢ Prendamano Real Estate on


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