Prendamano Real Estate "PreReal" team has decades of combined knowledge in all aspects of real estate and with its Community Manager, Celia Iervasi, they've donated wreaths to Wreaths Across America.

Wreaths Across America conducts several programs to honor our veterans, including our popular “National Wreaths Across America Day” wherein every December, Wreaths Across America coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies at various locations in order to Remember, Honor and Teach.

Wreaths Across America

The Wreaths Across America organization and its mission 

Wreaths Across America is a nonprofit organization founded in 1992 on National Wreaths Across America Day. Since its inception, the organization has provided over 100 thousand wreaths. The organization's mission is to honor all veterans with wreath-laying ceremonies on national holidays at Arlington National Cemetery and other veterans cemeteries across America. The organization also takes part in local events where they work with military veteran organizations, conduct press coverage on Veterans Day and Memorial Day, and provide information via the WAA website. 

WAA's goal is to offer more than just a beautiful tribute wreath for our nation's heroes. They hope that these ceremonies will spark a renewed sense of patriotism and community involvement in all of us. Anyone can participate in Wreaths Across America by sponsoring a wreath, volunteering at a local event, or making a donation. 

How can you get involved with the Wreaths Across America group? 

The best way to get involved with the Wreaths Across America group is to visit their website and find a local chapter. You can also donate to the group or purchase a wreath to be placed on a veteran's grave. Another way to be involved with the group is to volunteer, ranging from being a wreath receiver or placing a wreath on a grave. You can always check their website: 

Why you should support the cause as well!

Who else deserves some appreciation? We have all these fantastic veterans who have served our country and deserve some recognition. I've never seen anything like this before! How to give back and say thank you!

Let's join Prendamano Real Estate "PreReal" to get this project done together and help us show our veterans how much we appreciate their service! It is truly an awe-inspiring thing that needs to happen here in America.

I hope this has given us some insight into the Wreaths Across America organization and its goal to honor veterans in various ways. Please consider getting involved in some way by donating, sponsoring a wreath, volunteering, or purchasing a wreath. We can show our veterans how much their service means to us through these efforts!

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