Marketing is a pivotal part of every business in every industry. Marketing includes the intricate studying of a demographic and identifying ways to communicate with that demographic that allows companies to translate their services or products to those people. So, how do you get the attention of millennials?


Here are a few tips for marketing to the modern millennial:


  1.      Social Media! - At this point we are fully immersed in the digital age. This goes for marketing too. Marketing on social media platforms is a huge undertaking. Companies that devote a significant of time and effort to their online brand awareness experience success in this segment. Social influencers, blogs, recommendations, and reviews all living online today, businesses have to leverage their online platform strategically to reach this demographic. 
  2.      Content Driven Ads! - When marketing to millennials, especially on social media, traditional ads don’t quite do the trick. Content driven ads with more of a connect ability is more able to capture their attention. According to HubSpot, millennial spend an average of 25 hours per week online using social media, scouring blogs, and absorbing content. Part of what makes this tactic so successful is the authenticity that translates. Using millennial language in content draws attention and warrants an automatic connection between the consumer and company.
  3.      Offering an Experience! This is something that we’re seeing more and more of with the millennial generation. There is more of a desire to spend consumer dollars on an experience rather than a single product. We touched on this topic while exploring current and emerging real estate trends. Here’s a blurb about it:

Unique Amenities 

There’s a growing emphasis on experiential amenities being part of the rental experience. This is a new and evolved demand that is independent of the typical gym or pool being offered as an amenity in the rental market. 


Essentially, millennials want an experience to immerse themselves in. For example, in retail, millennial consumers are moving away from things like online shopping for clothes and moving towards a more immersive shopping experience. Experiences are unique because they engage and trigger feelings and emotion. In retail, we see this sentiment offered through things like pop-up shops.


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