When it comes to real estate marketing, there’s no one size fits all solution. Every home is different, and every market is different. That’s why it’s important to have a custom marketing plan for your property.

But even with a custom marketing plan, there are some basic things you can do to help sell your home faster. One of those is staging your home. A well-staged home will do better on the market and for a higher price. Staging your home can mean the difference between a quick sale and a long, drawn-out process.

Home Staging

What is Real Estate Staging?

Real estate staging is the process of preparing a home for sale. It includes decluttering, depersonalizing, and making any necessary repairs or updates. The goal of staging is to make the home look as appealing as possible to potential buyers.

Why is it important? 

There are a few reasons why staging is necessary. First, it can help you sell your home more quickly. In a study of staged and un-staged homes, staged homes sold 78% faster than un-staged homes. Second, it can help you get a higher price for your home. In another study, staged homes sold for an average of 7% more than un-staged homes.

What are some of the most important tips for real estate staging success? 

Candles Home Staging

Here are a few tips for staging your home for a quick sale:

- Declutter and depersonalize

One of the most important aspects of staging your home for a quick sale is decluttering and depersonalizing. This means getting rid of all of your personal belongings, including family photos and mementos, and making sure that your home is free of clutter. This will make potential buyers feel more comfortable and less like intruding in your personal space.

- Make repairs or updates as needed

If your home needs repairs or updates, make them as soon as possible. You don’t want potential buyers to see any unfinished business and be discouraged from making an offer. If you can’t afford to make all of the repairs or updates at once, try to make the most important ones.

- Paint walls and update fixtures

Painting your walls and updating your fixtures are two of the easiest and most effective ways to stage your home. Painting your walls in a neutral color will make them look fresh and new, and updating your fixtures will give your home a more modern look.

- Keep the home clean and staged at all times

One of the most important tips for staging your home is to keep it clean and staged at all times. This means making sure that your home is free of clutter and that all of your furniture and appliances are neatly placed. It also means keeping your home clean and well-maintained and ensuring that all of your landscaping is neatly trimmed.

- Stage each room for its intended purpose

When staging your home, it’s important to think about how each room will be used. You’ll also want to make sure that each room is decorated for its intended purpose. This means using the right furniture and accessories and avoiding any décor that might be too personal or dated.

- Appeal to as many senses as possible

This means using décor to make your buyers feel comfortable and at home and using scents and sounds to create a positive atmosphere. For example, you can use scented candles or air fresheners to make your home smell nice, and you can play calming music in the background to create a relaxed atmosphere.

- Use props and furniture to create vignettes

One of the best ways to create a positive atmosphere is to use props and furniture to create vignettes. Vignettes are small, self-contained scenes that can be used to showcase a particular style or mood. For example, you can create a vignette in the living room that showcases a modern style, or you can create a vignette in the kitchen that showcases your culinary skills.

- Use a professional stager if needed 

If you’re not sure how to stage your home for a quick sale or don’t have the time or money to do it yourself, you may want to consider hiring a professional stager. Professional stagers know how to create positive atmospheres and make homes look their best, and they can often do this for a fraction of the cost of a home renovation.

What are the benefits of home staging?

It pays to stage your home; not only will it help your buyer see themselves living in your space, but staging also helps set the right tone of professionalism and curb any fears about moving into an empty place. In fact, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) (https://cdn.nar.realtor/sites/default/files/documents/2021-profile-of-home-staging-report-04-06-2021.pdf), 82% of buyers’ said staging a home made it easier for them to visualize the property as a future home.

How much is home staging?

Home staging can be expensive, but it’s not always necessary to spend a lot of money to make your home look its best. There are a number of things you can do yourself to make it more appealing to buyers. You don’t want to over-stage your home, but you want it to look like a lived-in home that potential buyers can imagine themselves in.

The Bottom Line 

When it comes to staging your home, the bottom line is that it’s important to stage it in a way that will make buyers want to buy it. This doesn’t mean making expensive updates or spending a lot of money on professional help.

There are a number of things you can do yourself to make your home look its best. You don’t want to over-stage your home, but you want it to look like a lived-in home that potential buyers can imagine themselves in.

If you’re not sure where to start or need more help staging your home, there are plenty of online resources. You can check out PreReal, Prendamano Real Estate's Custom Marketing Plan by going to this link: https://www.prereal.com/marketing-plan.php

No matter what route you choose, make sure you start staging your home as soon as you decide to list it! The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to make changes and get your home ready for sale. And the better your home will look to potential buyers.


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