The construction industry has developed a liking for eco-friendly building materials. They have gained popularity and revolutionized the industry in recent years. The following are the top eco-friendly trends in this industry.

Ecofriendly Building Materials

Use of Live Roofs

Live roofs consist of soil, plants, and other natural substances. They make up an overlay of eco-friendly vegetation. Live roofs have a lifespan of approximately 40 years when kept in good condition. On the other hand, a standard roof has a lifespan of roughly 20 years. Live roofs are frequently used in hotels. They have a fantastic look and easily stand out. The following are some benefits of a live, green roof.

· It provides a buffer for rainwater

· Green roofs regulate the temperature indoors

· It encourages biodiversity and saves energy. Green environments and surroundings make people happy and vibrant

· Green roofs filter the air by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen

Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)

Do you know the problems associated with using lumber for building? Construction using wood frames has been there for many decades. However, the price of lumber is rising at a very high rate. People are opting for other solutions for frameworks because:

· Wood frames are prone to fire destruction

· Strong winds can damage them if the frame structure has no strong load path to the ground.

· Wood shrinks when dry and swells when wet.

· It is nearly impossible to have full sound insulation when using wood frames. Builders have to apply other costly techniques to achieve sound reduction.

ICF is an efficient solution to wood frameworks. It is strong, fire-resistant, and moisture-resistant.

Reclaimed Wood AccentsWood may not be the best material for frames, but it is suitable for other uses. Reclaimed wood is commonly used to create hardwood shelves and floors. It is also preferred for decorative wall paneling. Reclaimed lumber saves new timber from being cut down. Hence, making it eco-friendly. You can get more information about reclaimed wood accents that will drive you into using eco-friendly materials.

Straw Bale

It is the best substitute for still sequesters carbon and lumber. Straw bales can be made using waste from the agricultural industry. The common plants used include wheat, rice, rye, and oats straw. Benefits of straw bale construction:

· Walls made from straw bales are thick, which helps in the light reflection in a room.

· Due to the thickness, every window can have a seat without additional construction.

· Straw bales are biodegradable but can last for more than 100 years. However, they need proper maintenance for this to happen.

· The insulation provided by straw bales is more effective in hot and cold climates. Homes remain essentially comfortable in any weather.

Solar Shingles

If you are looking for the best eco-friendly roofing materials, this should be on top of your list. Solar shingle technology is helping do away with the large solar panels. Solar shingles are designed to fit and blend with your roof design. They are decorative and also serve the function of tiles. Their use has become a popular trend for the following reasons:

· Installation is easy

· They reduce energy bills

· Easy to maintain and replace

· It is a clean natural source of energy hence reducing your family’s carbon footprint.

· The shingles are durable. They can continue creating solar power past the average lifespan of a solar panel, which is 20 years.


The availability of eco-friendly materials has transformed the construction industry. It has made builders construct more environmentally friendly houses. The majority of these materials are affordable, durable, and safe for your surroundings.


Posted by PreRealâ„¢ Prendamano Real Estate on


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