As the cold weather creeps in, so do new home design trends. Here are 7 of the most popular ones for this winter 2022! Surfaces and furnishings in earthy brown tones that evoke the beauty of nature are enjoying a renaissance in popularity. Furniture that is sculptural in nature, with rounded edges, is on the rise, as is the use of Venetian plaster and limewash. In addition to plush materials and tactile textures, trendy outdoor furniture will include a more elevated design. Not only are high-tech houses famous now, but so are multi-purpose rooms.

home design trends

Along with leather furniture and upholstery, vintage and eco-friendly details are rising favorably. A new type of Grandmillenial is emerging, which appreciates contemporary art and sophisticated design. To sum up, don't be afraid to experiment with unexpected combinations of materials and design eras. By following these trends, you can be sure your home will be ahead of the curve this winter. Reference:


We're seeing some major changes in home design trends. For one, there's a renewed focus on coziness and comfort. With so many people spending more time at home than ever before, there's an increased demand for spaces that feel warm and inviting. From thick blankets and cozy throws to fires in the fireplace and rich, vibrant colors, here are more of the hottest trends we're seeing this winter. 


1. Thick Blankets and Cozy Throws 

With temperatures dropping and the days getting shorter, we're all looking for ways to stay warm and cozy. And what better way to do that than with a thick blanket or cozy throw? We're seeing a lot of rich jewel tones being used this winter, as they add a touch of luxury and sophistication. Metallics are also popular, reflecting light and adding a hint of shimmer to any space. If you're looking for something a little more fun and funky, check out the chunky knit blankets that have been all the rage lately. These statement pieces are sure to keep you warm all winter long. 


2. Fireplaces 

Another trend we're seeing this winter is an increased focus on fireplaces. Whether a traditional wood-burning fireplace or a more modern electric one, these fixtures are becoming increasingly popular in living rooms and bedrooms. Not only do they provide much-needed warmth in the cold months, but they also serve as a focal point in any space. If you don't have a fireplace in your home already, now is the perfect time to invest in one. Trust us, and you won't regret it!

home design trends fireplace

3. Rich, Vibrant Colors 

Gone are the days of bland, neutral interiors. This winter, we're seeing a lot of homeowners opting for bolder, brighter colors. Rich jewel tones like burgundy and emerald green are trendy right now. But if those hues are too much for you, consider using them as accents rather than going full-on color saturation mode. Another option is to paint just one wall in a room with a bold color while keeping the rest of the walls neutral. This will give your space an instant pop of personality without being overwhelming. 


4. Mixed Metals 

We're seeing a lot of mixed metals being used in home design this winter. From rose gold door knobs to brass lamps, incorporating different metals into your decor is a great way to add visual interest to your space. You can mix and match other metals throughout your home or use them as accents in specific rooms. Just make sure not to go overboard - too many different metals can start to look cluttered and chaotic. 


5. Faux Fur 

Faux fur has been everywhere lately - from clothing to home decor - and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon! This luxurious fabric is perfect for adding a touch of glamour to any space. And since it comes in such a wide variety of colors and styles, it's easy to find one that goes with your existing decor. Plus, it's an excellent way to stay warm when temperatures start to dip! 


6. Outdoor Spaces 

With so many people spending more time at home than ever before, there's been an increased focus on making outdoor spaces more livable year-round. This has led to an uptick in things like outdoor heaters, fire pits, and waterproof furniture covers. So if you want to make the most of your outdoor space this winter (and who doesn't?), be sure to invest in some weather-proof furniture and accessories. You'll be glad you did when spring rolls around! 


7. Statement Pieces 

This winter is all about making bold statements with your decor. Whether it's a daring piece of art or a brightly colored couch,now is the time to go big or go home! So if you've been holding back on that investment piece you've had your eye on,.now is the time to take the plunge! Just take our word for it; you won't be sorry. Once you see how much impact it has on your overall design!



Get ahead of the trends by incorporating these seven design tips into your home this winter! By doing so,.you'll not only be stylish but also cozy and comfortable all season long!




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