Episode 167: The Journey To Become A Complete Human Being w/ Bryan Casella

BRYAN CASELLA is the founder of the real estate team Team BC which is Nationwide in over 15 states with 20+ agents and growing. With over 10 years of real estate experience, Bryan grew his business through the old school approach of door knocking and cold calling. At the start of his career he also started a YouTube channel which currently has 195,000 subscribers. He also has his coaching programs Distinguished Agent and Limitless, and his podcast Supreme Being.
Get in touch with Bryan: Podcast

Podcast Transcript


will have goals and aspirations that I truly believe are not their own meaning they're still allowing their ship if we're going to call it that as a reference it's being captained by identified cells and and we can even think of all the classic stuff we're told go to school right get your degree get a job get the wife get the kids now if that's what you want to do fantastic but what if that's not what you want to do what if one or two of those things are different are you ready to bring your real estate game to the next level my name is James Prendamano I'm the CEO and founder of Prereal and over the past 25 years I've closed over a billion dollars in transactional real estate standing investors High performing individuals and Visionaries operating in the real estate space these are the people that are actually out there in the real estate game right now getting it done this podcast aims at bringing anyone's game to the next level this is the pre-real podcast welcome everyone to the Prereal podcast we are joined today by Bryan Casella uh we've got number one ranked real estate educator uh best-selling author and absolutely empowering epic coach uh Bryan I'm really excited to have you on today man James man thanks for having me dude uh I'm excited it's always good to start Monday with the with the podcast and and get the week going you know yeah so um we've had over the years a number of of different coaches and Educators on and as the founder of Team BC your your message and the reason I was particularly excited to have you on is you recognize and you're really upfront with in all of your content about like I can't do this stuff for you and you talk a lot about this this requires incredible intention from the individual that's seeking the coaching um we have long learned the hard way that you can take the best systems on the planet and stack them up on top of each other if you don't have buy-in or the right mindset from the individual they're useless yep so at what point in your Journey did that land for you because I know with me it took a bit great question man um maybe it's my background right I was a professional athlete before I got into real estate and jumped into the entrepreneurial world and I always was one who demanded more from myself right like I I wasn't the one to come into a team like I played basketball right I never wanted to come in and Coast through the season I wanted to be first I demanded more of myself meaning I wanted to be the best performer on the court I wanted the most steals the most blocks the most points right so that that seed in me was always there because even when I got into my basketball career I wanted to make the NBA and be Top Dog I didn't just get in like oh you know I'm here to get some exercise in and do it as a Pastime I want it to be the best so when I got into real estate and I got into entrepreneurship it was new to me so there was a lot of fear associated with all that and a lot of uncertainty however I knew hey I gotta do the same thing I did in basketball learn the fundamentals learn the basics apply them at a high level get to work put my head down and then you know work and I I knew that was the answer maybe because I had already established that pattern in athletics but I knew at the end of the day when I looked around and I looked at other people I noticed men they're doing it wrong right they're doing it wrong everybody's gossiping everybody's talking right everybody's doing everything except for the work and I still see it a lot and that's why I continue to preach it because it's still missing a lot of people are distracted and you know nowadays with social media I mean it's just it's ridiculous I laughed dude at the ads that I get telling people oh do this I'm like are you kidding me it's like people will come up with anything to not do the work and it still just blows my mind man so uh I I had recently tweeted about this that I'm sick and tired of these posts and these institutes where they're selling you know you want to work for a minute a day and make a hundred thousand dollars an hour like you know follow these three steps and now you're a multi-family expert and yeah I got a lot of blowback from that and people were saying oh you know there's a value and you have to pay for access to knowledge and that I totally agree with what I don't agree with is I call them Tick-Tock investors like this BS that there's a hack and you can circumvent I've been doing this now almost 30 years um this is my life my wife and my children are first this is one egg like that's the path I chose and it's a it's a long difficult Journey um and folks tend to find all the reasons why they can't do what you're doing and and many others are now doing um and it takes typically a pivotal moment so for you having that background as an athlete at that level I can see how that was without that discipline you have no chance right you're competing against literally the best in the world but where did it come from what was this just a gift that you were born with where you had great intention and discipline or was there someplace along the way a mentor or something yeah so there's twofold and two ways I can answer that question when it came to real estate I remember my first broker when I started and got licensed he told me early on he said you know what Bryan uh 90 95 of this business is going to be like your mindset because that's what's going to dictate how everything goes how you live your life how you work if you don't work right and I remember stashing that in my mind like yeah whatever old man like just that that's all fluff right because you hear about the Tony Robbins stuff and and personal development and before really knowing about it you kind of just write it off right so two weeks into my career I kind of hit a wall where I was working a lot but the pressure started building right I'm getting rejected I'm not getting the result and that for me in real estate was that aha moment about two weeks in because dude I was taking Massive Action I'm knocking on doors all day making phone calls and I'm just getting my ass kicked right and about two weeks in is when I had that aha now in regards to that seed or having that in me the only thing that I think allowed me to tap into that in my athletic career prior to getting into real estate and taking the entrepreneurial route was I was very clear about what I wanted so when I looked at basketball in that career nothing else existed outside of that to me right so when we talk purpose and Clarity even in my younger days it was there with that it's almost like the stubborn six-year-old kid that tells you they want to be an astronaut try to talk that kid out of being an astronaut and he's just not going to let you right and then we lose that when we when we become uh when we become adults right when we grow up hey you got to face reality right and we lose that childlike stubbornness so as much as we have a lot of innocence and things as a child that we need to develop there's actually a lot of good raw material that you have in you as a human being when you're a kid and when you reconnect with that as an adult it's tremendously powerful so that's literally what I carried over into real estate when I chose entrepreneurship and real estate and sales and all the stuff that I'm doing now I said okay this is it the commitment is made I will figure this thing out there's no plan B there's no you know uh well I can do this and fall back on this it was like I'm going a hundred percent on this Burning the boats whatever you want to call it and that's it and I think that is what or what opened up within me the vehicle to be able to do that type of stuff because I believe this Dedication that I have in discipline it's accessible to everybody I'm just not like a puppet right on strings being distracted by everything I've picked what I want and I'm going after it and there's no apology about it there's no well let me see what you're doing over here no it's just this is it and I chose it right and I think that's been lost in today's age more than anything and I get messages all the time from people hey I'm thinking about doing XYZ ABC I'm like dude pick one pick one but again like you said The Tick Tock influencers are telling them to do everything else so everybody's just this kind of um monstrosity of 20 000 different things instead of just choosing one and going with it and I think maybe maybe people are saying not to do that I really don't know why it's so hard for people to pick one thing and just go with it but I I try to hammer that message to people because I believe to answer your question that was the reason that I was able to tap into discipline and and doing and moving like I am is because this is what I want this is what I'm going after and this is what I'm dedicated to do that's it so I I think I think a big part of the reason is fear and you touched on fear a little earlier and fear can be a a great motivator in a limited limited vein but it's also just death on ambition if you allow those doubts to creep in uh and and even high performers don't recognize that they allow these roadblocks to kind of get in the way and stop them from going all in because then you've got to face the reality of look everybody gets the it's the the way of today fail forward and it's okay to fail and everyone but it's it is hard man it is hard to go all in on something and get your ass handed to you and it's humbling and it can be incredibly empowering if you have that intention and if you have that level of focus but I think for a lot of folks they're afraid of knowing that they went all in on something and it didn't work so they never ever I would say the vast majority of people never get to that place where they are all in on anything hmm absolutely yeah and I really think a lot a lot of individuals too um and this goes back right A lot of people have goals and aspirations that I truly believe are not their own meaning they're still allowing their ship if we're going to call it that as a reference it's being captained by cells and and we can even think of all the classic stuff we're told go to school right get your degree get a job get the wife get the kids now if that's what you want to do fantastic but what if that's not what you want to do what if one or two of those things are different but you internally want to go left but everything else is telling you to go right now you're conflicted now you're not in Clarity on purpose and being able to move forward you're this person who's being pulled two different ways like the old you know the horses right when they would torture you and kind of split you apart so I I think that that has a big um wait on this situation and this question that you ask me because that I believe is why I was able to make it through those moments because I chose even getting into real estate I remember those initial goals that I made those were so dear to my heart that you could have had anybody the most respected person on the planet come and sit down with me and try to talk me out of it and I would have said no way dude you're crazy this is what I want and this is what I'm going after like you or no one else is going to stop me because this is coming from me this amount of money this person that I want to become the skills that I want to acquire are dear to my heart and I really want that like that's exactly what I want so now when I'm faced with the fear and these temporary situations and roadblocks that we go over my commitment to that long-term vision is there and I say okay for me to acquire that as uncomfortable as this is I'm going to have to face this and get through it there's no running away or going left or going right I have to face this head-on again as uncomfortable as it is and make it through this thing because that version of me as an example right I want that so bad and I was just so clear about that man so when I I didn't take it for granted to do these exercises like the vision board and your business plan and and how much money you wanted to make I didn't just go through the motions doing that stuff I would get in the lab in my little apartment and spend hours working on that stuff saying is this really what I want how much money do I want like what do I want the future to look like and really making sure that it's coming from me that way when the ink went to paper it was for real and now when you look at those those images that you put up and all that writing on the wall every day it just Hypes you up because you're like that's what I want and you're clear about it and I would obsess about it the cars that I wanted I had little pictures like in my suit pocket I had it on my ceiling so right when I woke up it was the first thing that I saw I had it on my um my bathroom vanity mirror right I had it on a little full mirror on the car all the symbolism and pictures of things that I said that I wanted and the suits that I wanted to wear and how I imagined myself speaking in front of people all that stuff man but I put the pen to paper and it was for real and then I had remind reminders of that everywhere even the background on my phone so everywhere I looked I was just being stimulated and reminded of exactly who I wanted to be and where I wanted to go so for me to make it through those uncomfortable situations as uncomfortable as it was it was just my duty and my obligation to do it I didn't have a recourse so this is powerful stuff folks um you touched on something there Bryan and I've never shared this on air but many years ago uh I was hosting a podcast and I had a coach on and we're a great show you know 40 minutes whatever we wrap up and I'm like hey thanks for the time and the coach looks at me and says man I don't know who you think you're fooling but what is this that's going on here like whose life are you living now at the time I was top of my trade like I was the best commercial broker in my market not a close second had done a number of really high profile deals and this guy cut through me man like a hot knife through butter and it took a real slap in the teeth for me to even recognize I knew I wasn't really happy but I was working and having success well I guess that's what it is right and it took a long time after that and intense work with with a coach for me to recognize that I wasn't living the life that I wanted to live I was living someone else's version of this life for me um like the the images on your phone and the vision board and having it on your ceiling did where you taught that I mean is this just stuff that you did well I think like a lot of people when you like when I transitioned from Sports to you know the regular entrepreneurship or whatever we want to call it right that was a very almost like brutal shift for me because you immediately clash with everything right um known as the Meathead and the athlete now I need to be a salesperson and dress nice and and be this magical communicator so internally I'm faced with that like oh wow this is a big change and then externally you're hearing it and everybody's telling you about it so what did I do I said man just like I did in basketball I gotta find the coaches and and the information to help me get through this thing to learn so immediately right I got on like real estate coaching and sales coaching I started picking up and just gobbling up every book that I could get my hands on and studying the people who were successful in the business world and the skills world and I picked up the habits from them right like as an example when I would read the book as soon as I read you need a vision board I would immediately put a little tab on it close it after I knew what the exercise was and I would do the exercise and then I would continue reading whereas I think a lot of people when they read the book they just read it they're like oh that's good stuff if I had an aha I would stop and write it down or I would be like oh man I need to do that exercise right now so I would put a tab in the book and do the exercise whether it was a visualization exercise or the thing and I was being a student to the game and I think a lot of people want to be like the the master performer the master businessman but they will not humble themselves to be the master student just like any any coaching event that I went to Dude any event I'm sitting up front at attention ready to take notes first want to raise his hand and ask for a volunteer it's me the the coach is asking for us to do a presentation I'll I'll do it in front of everybody let's go I'll do it because I've drilled it so much and obsessed about it that it's just going to come out naturally because again I'm the student of the game and that's really what it was all these things that that even we're talking about now like the vision board I'm sure everybody's heard it a million times but who's actually done it properly not just went on their Google on their computer and put out three pictures and went through the motions I mean you genuinely sat with yourself and said what do I really want what gets gets me up out of bed like legitimately what keeps me up at night and you take it to that level and that's all I did man I just really took to heart what they were saying applied it and I and I didn't put my own perversion on it and I think a lot of people do that right and I see that with my students I teach them something and they want to try to nitpick I like this I don't like that it's like dude take the blueprint and apply it as is and master that before you ever even think about making your own adjustments because that's just your ego and your inability to humble yourself to learn and apply the information right and when I look back on it it was just that it was the spirit of the student like that that I I always thought that was sacred like the master to student relationship when you read old books and you find out about the Samurai and the Warriors like that relationship was sacred and even though today we're not engaged in that type of culture like we were before it's still dear to me and I really appreciate that so whether I learn something for free from a coach or an instructor or I pay a lot of money for something I still cherish that I will never disrespect those people I will always honor them and the information that they give me I will take wholeheartedly and apply to the best of my ability to where I want that teacher to look at me and say yes he applied it properly talked to Bryan he's a good example of somebody who took the information and applied it you know earnestly wholeheartedly and actually did it right so you're you're consuming incredible amounts of uh educational pieces to to build the best blueprint and as you said so many of us like to tweak things but there's a blueprint for this like so many have done this before master that process and after years of Mastery one degree it shifts maybe to tweak things to your your specific circumstance at what point did you think okay being a deal maker building a team uh generating this revenue is wonderful but I want to also teach and I want to transform lives and I want to empower what was that Journey like you know it's interesting because when I first started putting out content um I would say within a year even though I wasn't big or well known I started getting a lot of requests you have a video series do you have events that you do do you have coaching and I was like no I almost got like upset when people would ask me that I'm like dude just get to work what are you talking about right like it's not that hard um and but I guess back then I was naive enough to think that everybody was wired like me right or was willing to be that student like me and work that hard because you just had to tell me once if you said hey Bryan go I'm the teacher go knock on 100 Doors a day by the time you finish your sentence I was already out the door knocking doors I wasn't going to sit there and ask you 100 questions about it right um so it wasn't until about probably three years in where I said man I've gotten so many requests now fine and it was almost like it still felt like a nuisance believe it or not and then I finally created an Inman news actually uh ended up like making an article about this and and helping me and promoting it I created my first little like um door knocking Mastery product right I did the cold calls on the knocking but for whatever reason people just gravitated a lot more towards me going door to door because I guess less people did it so I created this little Mastery course it was about two hours long nothing crazy just on a lot of stuff that I had learned all my vast experiences of knocking on you know tens of thousands of doors over those years and it just exploded I think I sold it for like 300 and I sold I think a hundred copies the first month and people were just like man this is amazing I've never seen this stuff and I was just like wow this was like basic stuff to me it's not like you know what I mean it wasn't like some deep dive 10 hour you know event on door knock and it was just two hours some good stuff you know that I I thought worked a lot of stuff that I had experimented with right and I was like wow like apparently this really helps people right so around that time too I'm doing a lot of speaking as well when I first started speaking I started volunteering a lot to like local Boards of Realtors local universities and schools to talk about entrepreneurship and real estate just getting my name out there and really honing my craft as a speaker um and I did that for about a year year and a half and then that's when I started being able to like charge and being invited and flown out to speak to places and it evolved after that but the first year year and a half was me banging on doors requesting to speak right I would go to even car dealerships and say hey you want me to talk to your guys about sales a little bit here's my credentials right so I did a lot of that in that first year to build that up um but really it's when I look at it it was just this this almost like am I resisting this right because apparently me teaching is helping people and it impacts people at a level that I never thought possible so then I started looking at becoming a better teacher and reading more books on that and doing training and coaching around that and then it just evolved so it took a good three or four years man three or four years for sure and then after about five five to six of being licensed and doing social media that I really started to embrace the title and really put that hat on and say okay I'm going to now build like a coaching platform and help people like I am now but it took a while it took a while and I think maybe initially I didn't think I would be interested in it but as I started to do it and see the impact I said man okay there's something here and even to this day like with all the students it's just it's incredible to see some of the impact that you have on individuals and even in some recent students noticing changes they've made in a month that maybe took me a year or two years to have that realization for them to have it in a month a month even though they don't know it yet is just incredibly impactful for them so for me to recognize that I'm like wow that's that's really cool oh without a doubt bro you're changing lives there so many of us are stuck and even the high performers get stuck and we don't even recognize that we're stuck we don't recognize that there's another level and you know you fast forward 30 000 coaching hours later and hundreds of thousands of followers and millions of dollars in Revenue uh you are legit transforming lives so uh folks that are thinking about coaching and and I talk about this all the time I cannot recommend it enough it has been an essential part of my growth and if I would not have jumped headlong into coaching I never could have made the transition to the equity side the way I did and it has totally changed my life at home at the office and everything in between uh what can people expect and uh is this a is this geared specifically to real estate agents so initially yes now I have sales people I have other entrepreneurs I mean it's really evolved I would say it's still probably 70 80 percent are people involved in real estate in some way shape and form um but because I've teared it out and made different programs now as well it's really just evolved into this like huge monster at this point right because the higher tiers you know I I do more stuff on branding now becoming a better public speaker um you know we do some real estate investment stuff I mean we do a lot so it's evolved but initially yeah which is very nitty-gritty basic how to build your business as a realtor some basic sales stuff and then from there it just it really exploded after that because I got so many people and then the students started to evolve and get better results so I said man I need to elevate my game and what I offer to match the growth that everybody's having you know because even I was surprised by the results that people were getting even initially I had people coming in who were 18 19 years old in their first year they make 100 200 300 Grand selling real estate I mean it's just incredible it is incredible uh your services now include coaching real estate as you had said public speaking brand scaling um and in this this world that we're in it feels like all of the external influences are telling us it's not your fault um it's okay you know it's everybody else that has put this this on you and it is so damaging that mindset is it's it's literally crippling an entire generation it feels like um and there is a whole other world out there available to folks if they can just get this initial exposure to somebody like you so as you're building this process out you know scale is hard man it is really difficult to scale what what has that Journey been like what were some of the biggest challenges you've experienced I know for us scale has been it feels sometimes like it's impossible yeah oh man I would need a whole other hour for this right um it's a lot man you know um you we I think as entrepreneurs too we tend to be somewhat I would say most of us right probably like perfectionists we like things done our way we know that we we put our extra umph into everything we do we would like for our employees and everybody to operate at that super high level that we do so I find and this was one of my initial sticking points was being able to effectively trust others and let go because even when I had my first couple hires I would still find myself looking over their shoulder double checking their work a little too much you know past the initial phase to make sure they know what they're doing almost like having this deep rooted insecurity that no I need to do it I need to do it right and I think for a lot of people that's what stops them from even considering hiring somebody right another one understanding that as I scale especially like in my business and in a lot of businesses my uh my profit margins start to shrink right so now as as the the single guy who's just selling and has basic systems now I bring on employees I start upgrading my systems doing more coaching right scaling my business adding more agents adding other employees now those profit margins start to shrink so my volume has to increase right so now yeah I'm replicating myself and building these people but I need to make sure that hey okay we're in the game now it's not just me anymore I have four or five other people on payroll right I'm responsible for them so I need to make sure that they're up to speed because if they're not performing at a particular level I'm now paying them and I'm not getting paid right so there's a whole and not just the number side of that the psychological aspect of that too because it was all you know fun and games when I'm super profitable and it's just me but now I have other people in place now so psychologically they can weigh on you right am I doing a good job am I leading them right so the whole mind game aspect that goes along with that too right and that was just on for my real estate team with my online stuff I mean you brought it up right uh another way I see it is most people nowadays have a victim mentality right and to the point where they will sit there and argue with me how it's not their fault and they'll they'll State a case on how they can't be successful and I'm sitting there saying man to the Core right this person's identity values and beliefs that the core had been shaped to believe that they can't have success they can't have money they can't be a good speaker or confident or you know fill in the blank with whatever they want you know and if we're an adult 18 and over you can't point the finger anymore you have to accept full responsibility for your life because even if there's aspects and things about you that you don't like it's up to you and your responsibility to change them yeah I can't change my height but I can change my belief system for sure right it's not my fault that if my parents raised me a certain way conditioning me about money yeah that's not my fault but the moment I turn 18 I now have full Independence and sovereignty over my belief system as an adult I can now change it and it is my responsibility to change it so then if I start looking externally at my life where I live my Social Circle my finances and I'm not satisfied I have nobody to blame but the person who's staring back at me in the mirror and again that's a tough pill for a lot of people to swallow and this type of talk nowadays is labeled like extremist right which is nuts but all it is is really just us taking because when you do that push aside all the the emotions and stuff that you have to deal with to accept when you accept that you now open up a beautiful new world where now you can literally do whatever you want you're like wow it is my responsibility meaning I can go after and attain and create whatever I want let's go now the real adventure begins because when you allow yourself to be externally boxed well then you can't do anything you forfeited all your control to the point that I've seen in the extent where people even believe they can't think a certain way it's wrong to think that you can make a lot of money what so they're now governing our thoughts yeah like that would be the day when you think I'm Gonna Be A Millionaire and then the police show up and knock on your door hey were you thinking about being a billionaire you better stop that or we're going to put you in jail like again the way the world is going that wouldn't surprise me right maybe 50 years but like when you forfeit even your ability to think ladies and gentlemen you just as a human being your potential becomes zero because this is ultimately how far we go and all we need to do is pick up a book and read and hear about all these people who have come up with Incredible inventions and done all these things to move the human race and humankind and Mankind forward that you would look at them and say wait how did this person in this place come up with this idea it just doesn't make sense but it was all up here so the the last two minutes might be the most powerful piece of this show in the last since its Inception five six seven years ago manifesting is such an incredibly powerful tool and folks typically link if they're manifesting in a positive way oh if I think it it'll happen that's ridiculous they don't realize they are manifesting in a negative way and they have predetermined that they cannot move past this level if you think it you believe it I've got my book I write it down every day twice a day once in the morning once at night you become it it is it it's kind of wonky and weird but it is all it all starts with right here and if you believe it and you say it positive or negative that becomes your reality and the more that we've we have a book club in the office now and the more and more that that we're reading and we're educating ourselves you've come to realize that these icons that you put up on a pedestal and you think oh gosh they just had such a blessed life most of them crawled out of the depths of hell and failed umpteen times before they made it to where they ended up and it was just mindset 100 because you know and for like a practical application of that I'm so glad you brought that up because even that word now gets misconstrued because a lot of people think well you know manifestation and Law of Attraction like they literally think they can sit at home on their couch and think about getting a million dollar check and it's just going to magically be in their mailbox right like and I know you're laughing bro but I I legitimately come across people who believe that I'm like dude like you're mental so in a simplistic way when when we talk about Shifting the thought process and the mindset it that's literally think of like a flower right and then you go underneath the soil it all started with the seed that's what we're talking about affecting it at this level when the seed Changes Everything Changes because now when that thought changes you're now going to look and view the world from a different perspective you will think differently your thought patterns you will process things differently you will interact with the world differently your belief system about your potential will change change your actions will change right and all these things started from that that base because the person who doesn't have the right mindset you think they're going to be crazy enough to be an entrepreneur and knock on the door and get rejected over and over and over and over it takes a different type of mindset to do that that is out of the norm but it started from that beginning portion of I can do this yes right if you don't have that forget everything else just like James said at the beginning we can give you all the systems and the blueprint you won't you'll you'll be handed the blueprint and then you'll give us a speech and a story as to why you can't do it that's what will happen if you don't have the right mindset and thought process and myself James and a lot of people are crazy enough right by Society by external um you know labeling to do this stuff but that's what it takes and if they outside of me label me crazy I'll wear it give me the crazy hat give me the crazy shirt because the results that I have have me more fulfilled happy than ever right and I want to deviate from the norm right by listening to this by wanting more success and more money and personal development you are the weirdo you are the black sheep of the family you are the one walking the path where everyone's pointing at you saying oh look at this loser why are you going that way we're all going this way bro right and it comes with the territory but with that also comes like we were talking about the good stuff more money right more fulfillment happiness more better communication right Better World perspective right being happier viewing the world in a different light and to have that ease in my system because that's been the best thing James which is ease I live with so much ease and peace bro it's amazing I see the world around me as just this chaotic Beast of a tornado and I'm just smiling having a good time Good Vibes and that to me is priceless so uh I'm certainly not at the level you're at with the Mastery of this uh these Concepts it and and I'm glad you touched on it because it is a lonely path it can be um as you're climbing up the ladder people really do go out of their way to kind of distance or tear you down and and say some really difficult things that in the moment they're difficult to hear but the reality of it is is to grow your circles are going to change your the folks that you're with are going to change and while that can be a difficult part of the process it's an absolutely essential part of the process you have to grow and and I have found that when you just get to the that outskirt edge where everybody kind of thinks you you're nuts you're you're you're just about there you're you're right on the the cusp of something amazing and great um you know I'm working hard at trying to uh except that everything that happens is neutral it's it really is it's it's only how I allow it to impact me if I allow it to impact me at all that matters and starting to turn the corner with having more peace and being more at ease with the decisions that I'm making because I I see it's lining up and we're headed in the right direction clearly but again it is difficult you know folks that you've known for a long time start to fall out of your life and and you know don't understand what you're doing and they think that you're nuts but that's what it takes so you know what what is the oh is this the ultimate for you is this what you had had thought you you wanted and where you wanted team PC to be is this is this its final iteration for you or are you going to continue to to push boundaries or have you hit your spot yeah you know I'll keep pushing boundaries you know like uh the whole uh concept of the real estate companies going cloud-based I thought was great especially with the the fact that we can make Revenue share and build these huge real estate networks not only does that support us financially but I think it's great also for agents because they can get around some of us big hitters get access to us and get some more education and it'll help bridge that gap between the Newbie and then getting a legitimate coach that helps them that's more specific and more specified for them um so I I like that um and then the online stuff man like you know one thing that I can comment on that really shook things up for me is I've always been kind of outspoken right um just generally speaking whether it was about something controversial or not and that's been the interesting thing for me and also challenging because the last three four years I've basically had a lot of my social media platforms like stripped away from me because I basically don't side with with you know what the big boys are saying you know so um and that's been challenging but at the same time I look at all the stuff that I've taught and and what my Foundation is and it it it's affected me but it hasn't at the same time right if anything has provided a new challenge for me to say hey with additional resistance can I still break through and get my message across and still grow my real estate business and grow my coaching company and it and yeah it sucks to have some of those things taken away from you that you built but at the same time for me it's like a whole new playground right it's just like you mentioned earlier uh the Tony Robbins quote comes to my mind he says nothing has meaning except for the meaning that we give it right so I look at it from my position like well to me I'm I'm standing for and defending the truth and the consequences that come with it I'm willing to accept 100 percent right so moving forward I've accepted that I'm not going to complain about it let's move forward and and face what we need to face again with the same spirit and that's what I do because I get messages all the time oh man aren't you bummed out I'm like no dude I don't look at it that way is it unfortunate sure but that's life I mean we were all even told and everybody says this right life's not fair you know what I mean everybody says that we were taught that but suddenly when like you mentioned earlier we get into this victim mode we now want to use that as an excuse when even when we were younger we accepted that life is not fair it's not but just because life is not fair doesn't mean that you can't be successful or achieve what you want to achieve again that's up here so um you know the future for me man is just full of endless opportunities do I like my spot that I'm in absolutely but we want to keep pushing because even on a personal level um I'm working on moving probably in the next six to 12 months into a property that has more acreage like I want more land I want to start being a little bit more self-sustainable growing my own food building my own crazy little workout complex in my house and doing that I want to keep evolving everything I'm doing online I would like to get back to speaking and traveling a little bit more but the whole situation with social media and me kind of being de-platformed from a corporate standpoint put a big block on that because a lot of companies just won't associate with me because of that but on a more entrepreneurial level uh you know just connecting with people on Instagram and YouTube I've still had a lot of opportunities so I'm going to explore that more you know but it's just been it's been amazing to see the growth and and kind of see how everything has evolved like you mentioned it does leave a bad taste in my mouth the the tick tock influencing and all that and all the BS going around so I almost see myself as a voice of reason right and I've even said that on stage many times like when you guys are done with the gimmicks come to me because I hope you build your business and get with the real but if you want to keep running around with the gimmicky stuff please waste your time waste your money and then when you're ready to Face Reality come knock on my door well look the the world seems to be getting to a place where we are tired of being told what we hear with our own ears and what we see with our own eyes is not reality and people like you are emerging as absolute thought leaders and I applaud you for it I think it's absolutely incredibly courageous and I for one and I know a lot of folks out there are very appreciative of your message so keep it up bro I think what you're doing is absolutely amazing where can folks where can I point folks uh to learn more about the entire operation yeah BryanCasella.com just like you see my name one y and One S two L's on the last name that's the best place from there because everything all my handles are at Bryan Casella like everything is really you know in sync and synonymous so it should be easy for you to find my website's the best place to get in contact with us and really check out the scope of everything we have to offer whether it's the coaching stuff the real estate stuff like it's all there well as always folks all the links will be in the link trade below Bryan I think uh your absolutely amazing human being I love what you're doing congrats on all the success I appreciate you my friend thanks for having me I appreciate you as always everyone please stay safe [Music] thank you [Music]