Episode 157: The Art Of Scaling Real Estate Business: Strategies For Building Empires with Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith got His start in Real Estate in 2005 at the age of 23, starting off as an Individual Realtor, sold 48 homes His first year in the Business which led Him to starting His Real Estate Team... Joshua and His Team have since sold 7000+ Homes & over $2Billion in Real Estate, has been voted the 30th Top Realtor in America by the Wall Street Journal, has been Featured in Forbes, INC, Realtor Magazine and The Wall Street Journal... Has been named in the top 100 most influential people in Real Estate... Joshua Smith is also the Host of the GSD Mode Podcast, one of the most watched/downloaded podcasts in Real Estate, is the Founder of the Real Estate Mastery Bootcamp Coaching Program where He has Coached/Mentored 5,000+ Real Estate Professionals all over North America, is the Founder of Perfect Storm software which is a website/crm software for Real Estate Professionals to run/operate their Business from & is a co-owner in a Nationwide Real Estate Franchise with over 107 Franchise Locations Nationwide
Get in touch with Joshua: Website

Podcast Transcript


folks this week on the prereal podcast we're joined by Joshua Smith for those of you not familiar Josh is the host of the GSD podcast uh GSD mode uh Perfect Storm software he's an absolute Beast of a agent coach consultant broker uh named one of the top 30 agents in America by The Wall Street Journal his team has transacted over 7 000 homes and two billion dollars in real estate he has built an all-in-one comprehensive CRM and mentorship program as an owner of a real estate business I could tell you it was an absolute pleasure to sit and chat with them a lot of great information Joshua Smith from GSD this week guys are you ready to bring your real estate game to the next level my name is James Prendamano I'm the CEO and founder of Prereal 25 years I've closed over a billion dollars in transaction in real estate each week I'm meeting with outstanding investors High performing individuals and Visionaries operating in the real estate space these are the people that are actually out there in the real estate game right now getting it done this podcast aims at bringing anyone's this is the prereal podcast welcome everyone to the prereal podcast I've got a kindred spirit of mine on today Joshua Smith we are extremely excited he is the host of the GSD podcast he's the founder of the real estate Mastery boot camp coaching program and The Perfect Storm software he's an absolute Beast deal maker Visionary really excited to have you on the show with us today man thanks for joining yeah no thank you so much for having me man I'm excited for this and it's honored honor to be here with you yeah man so uh look let's let's talk to the audience quick a little bit about background um you didn't wake up one day and and just have you know all of these systems and tools and this Vision in place can you talk the audience a little bit through uh you know how you got into real estate and what that first year was like although you had a killer first year yeah yeah you know I I like real estate was never supposed to be the journey man for me you know I grew up in the health club industry my dad owned and operate gyms for 30 30 years he retired and sold the gyms that he had owned right when I was finishing high school and uh I stayed in that industry though and at the age of 23 I made the realization that look if I'm going to make good money in this business and be able to hit my financial goals I got to get into ownership at that point I'm a College Dropout thousand bucks to my name you know and uh the facility I wanted to go through and create was going to cost about 800 Grand at that time so nobody was going to give me a loan so then I was like okay I need to go Bank some Capital man and I'm like dude I love I love people I love sales I love working my ass off this was 2005 real estate market was just insane as ever so I'll just jump into real estate go out there and and you know sell a ton of homes and raise the capital that I needed at least enough for a down payment you know create the facility I want to create and I always say that very quickly health and fitness became my passion real estate became my obsession I just saw so many more opportunities you know with the real estate business but it took about you know it took a few years before you know I hit that discovery you know but first year you know one of the things that I did that really helped me well number one I had the sales and business background you know when you're following your parents are entrepreneurs and you get to see the back end and you're used to watching that work ethic and seeing how businesses were ran you know and I started selling Health Club memberships for my dad at the age of 14 you know so you know selling Health Club memberships up selling the personal training packages so you know I knew I mean I knew how to go out there and sell and I had you know nine years of sales experience before um as well as leading teams and whatnot um so when I got into real estate I was going to Real Estate School I was like okay look I need to come up with a strategy because that's what I was lacking and being very obvious in real estate school they don't teach you yeah all right so so then I just started interviewing like going out there and interviewing top producers in the market and seeing if they'd let me take them out to lunch and pick their brains and so then that way day one that I started my real estate license where most people are like okay got my license now let me figure out the to do like I knew exactly what to go out there and execute on I came up my strategy I knew what to do there's still a lot to figure out but from a you know like when it comes to business dude it's like how am I going to go out there and get business so that was my focus and you know got my first client in four days sold 48 deals my first year that led me to hitting a capacity you know you and I were talking about this off air but technology is vastly different today you know I mean back then it was like dude there's no smartphones there was no scanners there was none of this stuff so it took longer to do you know do each unit but um you know that talking took me to a capacity hired my first assistant after that year that then you know took me to 103 deals and that led me to starting my team if you will you know and then just kept progressing you know from there you know to to where we're at today so you hit on a couple of marks there that I've seen some of the the best of their time get stuck in and you blew through two of them straight away so I just want to dive into that piece a bit you went out and you spoke to other people who have you know had been successful and had more success you're a newbie at that point you want to talk to people in the industry that are are crushing and you want to see how they're doing it um and you went out and you you took the leap and got your first assistant I've seen so many people get hung up on those two steps why did you make like was there a mentor was there a book was it just coming up in the in the sales industry on the health club side did you just know that these are things you had to do or was there other influences that gave you that kind of push yeah I mean it was a combination of both right um uh so uh you know at that time dude I know I'm dating and aging myself here but there was no YouTube there was no and at that time too teams weren't really a thing you know I mean you it was pretty much as people had a job in real estate right um you know however I had developed a lot of teams in in the health and fitness space so after my father sold his gyms um I started working for um you know another operation that was that was growing pretty rapidly and and I was in charge of doing pre-sales for them so as a the TI's were going on you know I was in the trailer out there you know pre-selling memberships and it was like okay hey sell x amount of memberships then when you have this recurring Revenue coming in okay then I could hire an assistant then we got to the next level you know and then I could bring on my first sales guy then my second guy so you know the goal there for me was to you know get the membership base to a certain you know standpoint before we opened the doors um and then develop the sales team you know um get out of sales myself but then oversee the sales team and sales department and then Boom repeat next location right so you know I had a lot of experience with that and I was like dude business is business sales and sales you know instead of instead of articulating that we're the best facility to help people hit their health fitness goals I was just having to articulate that hey I'm the best guy to help guide you from your current living situation to the next living situation everything else was essentially the exact same shit you know so um and then from there though one thing that I did do is when I first got my real estate license you know I didn't care about splits I wasn't concerned about any of that I'm like let me go find the biggest badass that I possibly can find that I want to Aspire to go out there and you know create their level of success in this industry um uh and I found it you know I found you that was on the top not just locally but one of the top in the country he was The Brokerage owner plus had his own team so it worked out great because I was able to learn from them not have to join his own team because I knew like look I couldn't go out there and just doing quick math I was like I can't go out there and earn the income I need to get this down payment flying solo like I'm gonna need a delegate um but I was able to position myself in his umbrella under his umbrellas you know with the brokerage and then get his guidance and mentorship you know because there were quite a lot of questions that I had you know right of okay when I hired this first assistant like I knew I knew I was at a capacity and you know needed that first assistant but what are the best strategic you know delegation items to delegate off to that assistant you know and whatnot and uh yeah he was able to help guide me you know through a lot of that stuff as well but did you like literally take pen to paper and write out kind of a business plan I need to prospect x amount of people based on the anticipated close rate of Y to generate X Revenue in order for me to to scale or was it just you kind of ripped it and ripped it yeah no I mean in the very beginning it was okay um my like I had my Legion strategy my lead follow-up strategy but what I didn't know was what my conversion rates were going to be now I knew the importance of you know data and tracking and all of that from the gym business because that was you know we ran it as a business you know um you know it's funny a lot of people think when you work at a gym it's just you know working out and having fun and and but no dude it's like there's so many days I didn't even step outside of Tours that you know like you have your kpis and numbers to hit every single day and you know uh with that so um but I didn't know what my numbers were going to be until I had my own sample size of data you know um so in the beginning it was just like hey man I'm gonna do as many open houses as humanly possible so just starting off with one a day um um but paying attention to that data you know okay hey is it you know one out of 20 what are those numbers looking like um so then very quickly it became predictable um you know but I just like my strategy in the beginning was you know okay I'm gonna get in the office every day at five a.m between 5 a.m and noon I'm gonna get all of my lead follow-up done all my paperwork done anything that's kind of busy office work stuff that I need to get done and then from noon to 7 PM every single day was going to be pounding the pavement time now of course I had what those buckets were going to be for pounding the pavement but if I couldn't get an open house it wasn't let me just go twiddle my thumbs it was okay well here were the backup activities that I had in place you know so like dude Home Depot parking lot man like a clean house you know just just going out there and hand it and I was like okay hey I don't have no house here I'm gonna go like if what's that backup strategy okay I'm gonna go to Home Depot parking lot hand out at least 100 cards and have 100 conversations you know okay if that wasn't a place like what's that next thing what's that next thing so I always had kind of reserves you know um but then it gets quickly you start getting really busy well then it takes away from your ability to be able to do those things so I'm like okay like in order for me to continue to scale I've got to be able to focus on more money making activities so that's at the point where I knew I needed to hire that assistant so folks Joshua and his team have sold over 7 000 homes over 2 billion in real estate he was named the top 30 realtors in America by the Journal you want to know how right there there is no substitute for hard work and being intentional man that you know we talked to agents all the time and especially today we find that people are kind of looking for that secret sauce or that one ingredient that's gonna put them over the edge and and that's the piece that they're missing and if they go from one brokerage to another they're going to find that that special piece and and certainly the right brokerage will give you uh better tools and mentorship and support but you've got to be disciplined folks you've got a you've got to love the absolute grind uh you know we've we've had some comments over the years Josh where one in particular Attorney at a closing uh pass to check across the table and you know looked at the number and stopped and went you know really how many calls did you make to earn that check and my response of course was well we're hiring if you want to be an agent you know you're an attorney so have your license automatically if it's that easy why don't you come on board but what people don't see is this up at 5am from 5 to 12 every day putting in the work to prospect then 12 to 7 working on conversion that's what it's about folks you need a system you need the tools but you've got to have the passion and the drive and in this business it is the skies really are the limit you really can get as much out of this business as you want but you've got to put the freaking work in and that's just missing from so many equations and you see a lot of programs and coaching and they don't talk about that piece and I love that you shared that like there's no secret thing here you've got to go out and grind and you gotta hustle so you're you're you're going from literally no experience at all to taking the steps finding the mentor mentors joining the right team hiring assistants scaling two billion dollars later in sales where did technology and disruption and CRM where did that start to become either a pinch point for you or how did that make its way into your world and and now you want a essentially a software company uh where did that start to to bump up against your progress yeah I mean you know the CRM was was very fast for me man now I couldn't afford one in the beginning um you know because when I jumped in this industry dude like I just burned the boats burned the ships like I was doing credit card cash advances just to make it now it's 23 years old not married no kids so you know today at 41 with three kids and you know like I I have to you know allocate risk differently today um you know but at that time my life was like a time I could be risky um you know uh but uh so I went and talked to one of the local title companies into paying for my CRM now back I don't know if they can do that now today with RESPA laws but RESPA is a lot more relaxed you know back then but it was like uh the time I don't know 15 bucks a month it was wise agent you know and that that's you know where I started because again just from my you know history of sales and so much prospecting and and follow-up um uh you know I just knew the importance of it you know so um Fortune is in the follow-up man yeah it's just how it goes dude and you know working on those skill sets so right out of the gate um you know I started with the CRM um and then you know that expanded because then it was like you know and I don't know what the capabilities are today but at that point it was it was okay it was good enough for me to manage my business but then when I started my team it created some complexities that you know we need to upgrade that system then upgrade to the next you know um but I would say you know so crm's always been an important component and look dude like I don't care if I have to use spreadsheets for sale it's just get you got to have something you know where you can keep these and if you need to use Google Sheets to start there just start there um but you know technology started really becoming huge in about what 2012 2013 you know um um and for me where that really came apart as far as far as like um you know really getting into digital marketing you know um was I was spending an insane amount of money with uh when I say insane I guess it wasn't too much it was about 15 grand a month between you know Zillow and Trulia yeah and our Roi was really good at the time right um but then all of a sudden one day I come in the office and they're like look man we've decided to change the way that we bill they use the charges per click now they went into this per Impressions and they try to sell it like it looked pretty um uh but my cost per lead went from like 14 bucks to forty seven dollars per lead overnight and I realized at that point of like holy I'm very vulnerable here so at that point I committed to never relying on third parties to generate my business for me so then I was like okay let me go out there Master Google pay-per-click let me go out there now that's been replaced with Facebook and YouTube and other things you know not that Google pay-per-click isn't effective but I get a much better Roi in other spots you know now it like I still you know we still do Zillow today we you know they only have Zillow Flex in our our market today but I'm not going to allow myself to be reliant on those you know um so then at that point it was you know um you know continuing like dude we got to be able to go out there and Fish Man so it wasn't always just butterflies and rainbows right you know dude I've had so many fucking shitstorms dude yeah you you shared some things uh in the the pre-show exchange folks always the teams go back and forth about things that we could talk about uh and you always didn't look like this shredded handsome you know full of energy guy ready to go take on the world uh are you comfortable talking a little bit about that Journey yeah yeah 100 man so uh you lost a hundred pounds yeah yeah yeah what had happened dude is you know I talked about growing up in the gym business and you know in my younger years it's like high school years and Junior High you know whatever I mean I was you know very athletic um you know wrestler and then in high school I started competing in bodybuilding and competing the teenage Mr Michigan you know so um you know I was in pretty damn good shape and then when I started college like I only went to college because my girlfriend was going to college I was like well I had some insecurities of okay she goes off to college I don't go like this thing's probably not going to work I want to make this work you know but then after about a year of going to college I realized at least for me I was like dude this is this is for the birds man like this is this like this this is a joke you know it's just a feeling internal feeling that I had now again I know today a lot of people have a different feeling about college but back then you know it was uh you know perceived that you got done with high school you went to college you got a good job otherwise you weren't going to make it and and you know I had a lot of people against me when I dropped out and um uh anyway though there's just several things in my life that just kind of started sparring out of control and and to the core of it I just allowed myself to adopt a victimhood mindset where I was just blaming every you know all these outside circumstances and I allowed myself to slip into pretty deep depression where you know I when I say deep depression you know I mean I was contemplating committing suicide you know multiple times throughout the day each and every day to my lowest moment where I planned it out was gonna get ready to go execute on it and then that's what scared the living out of me it's just that I allowed myself to get to that deep of a point it freaked the absolute hell out of me and at that point I decided man I gotta make some changes here I got to figure this thing out so then I was like okay well what's the opposite of depression so then that you know that depression led to the weight gain because I go from eating you know two chicken breasts and and you know six ounces of broccoli to now eating two double Whoppers with cheese like I just didn't give a I was drunk every day by noon I didn't care it like it you know so so I lost my health very very fast um you know but then I started assessing okay if I want to solve this thing and if I'm serious about this you know if I wanna you know overcome this this depression that I'm experiencing well what's the opposite of depression it's fulfillment okay well what do I need to do to become fulfilled I didn't know I couldn't I was like I don't know I couldn't think of anything you know right um I put you know quite a bit of thought into this man I've always been pretty introverted and you know somebody that spends a lot of time with myself my own thoughts and but then I was like okay let me identify the areas of my life that I'm most unhappy with that I have a high level of confidence that if I can overcome these things and solve these things I think it would put me in a better mental state um and those two things where I was sick and tired of being broke as a joke um and I was sick and tired of being morbidly obese and fat and barely able to get up a flight of stairs without being winded you know so I created a plan for those two things and that's what you know led me to jumping back into sales because I actually took a temporary break from sales went more to the hospital and oh I'm uh so that got me back into sales which led me into real estate um and then I just started getting extremely intentional with with you know my health and fitness journey again uh my heaviest I was 276 pounds and I'm 510 so I'm not super tall you know um so you know I've lost over 100 pounds now kept it off you know well over you know what decade and a half now or so um and just turn things around man you know overcame you know substance addiction you know my battles with alcohol and you know all of those things on this journey you know so I look at this of like look I'm not on a real estate Journey I'm just on a success Journey you know people ask me all the time like you know what you know why do you keep doing this you don't need to keep doing this I'm like look to me it's all about when I look in the mirror who's that human being like what's that person looking back at me when I'm staring at that person staring that person in the eyes am I proud of who I see and who I've become and and I still have a long way to go of that doesn't mean that I'm not proud of you know the things that have overcome and the accolades and the successes but I know I have so much further to go you know and to me it's just it's just that internal that and it's just an internal game dude you know for me so uh you experience this just doing some you know backward numbers here you experienced this several years into your career where you had these setbacks and uh I I appreciate you sharing it because it's uh I'm an introvert also uh in fact the reason I'm doing the show and have been doing it for the last several years is because I I absolutely was petrified to speak um outside of my comfort zone and my comfort zone was just this little narrow spot in real estate uh and in social situations something I still struggle with mightily this was my way of kind of putting it out there and saying okay it's time to grow and people don't see that right people see the other side they see our successes and they see our wins and they don't understand like you're not alone like we've we've almost all of us that have had success in this business and I'm sure it's across all businesses we've had the same struggles we've all been there we've all battled demons and it's never too late it's never over you can always make that decision in that moment that you know what I'm gonna just be a little bit better tomorrow than I was today and start turning things around so I really appreciate you sharing that stuff because yeah dude it's it's important man because I mean that you know realize very very quickly that the vast majority of our industry is full shit of and I get it and I understand it and you know it's for sales we want to go out there and portray this image you know perception is more important than reality and there's a in you know ego element where you know there's a sense of shame or embarrassment you know talking about your struggle so I I battle with all those things too but one day I got sick and tired of it man I was like you know I was getting asked to go out there and you know because I mean by the time I was 25 dude I was doing over seven figures a year in real estate you know and before I was 30 you know I was about 30 top realtor in America by The Wall Street Journal and I was you know winning all these Awards and accolades and I was asked to go speak at all these stages and people would be like oh Joshua Smith you know dude you know whatever to 2.5 million last year and you know all of this and then you know introduce me make me sound bigger than life when I come on stage which was very kind of them but in my head I'd be like yeah but what all these don't know is I'm a hundred thousand dollars in credit card debt right now yeah I'm making a lot of top line revenue but I'm spin you know like I didn't have my you know it took me a long time to learn like I'll spin as fast I was making it man and some of those were you know Bad Business decisions but a lot of those were just bad personal decisions you know just think that that faucet wasn't gonna stop and you know um um but I just felt like such a such a fraud dude you know I just got sick of it man I just like so one day I was just like I'm just gonna start being honest about this man of the you know all of this stuff like you know people are like oh man you're such a mental Champion you're so disciplined I'm like yeah but what you don't know is like I used to be one of the weakest that you've ever met mentally physically you know whatever and I had to battle my own demons you know and and it was hard to come out with this stuff um but then what I realized once I did I I just personally couldn't do anymore man I was just like because again I felt like such a charlatan um um but then dude what happened is man it just so so many people started reaching out to me just of like oh my you know thank you so much for sharing that I mean I get dozens of messages a day way more about that than I do people asking me about what to actually do of you know just how that's helped Inspire them to whatever it may be man whether it's with alcohol or substance addiction or you know weight loss or or turning their financial situation around um you know I didn't expect that when I you know started being transparent about this um but a lot of greats come out of that I think like you said man we all we I mean different magnitudes of the struggles but you know we're human beings having this life experience and we typically experience you know the same yeah and and mindset to me you can have all the systems in the world they amount to Jack diddly squat if you don't have the right mindset and again when you're in that state I was there uh you feel really alone you believe that you're the only person and you feel like a fraud and you feel like there's no way out of this and you get for me the the analogy I use is it got to a point one day where I couldn't pick the boulder up again I woke up that day and I just said I can't do this one more day I cannot pick this thing up and strap it to my back and just go and that's where things turn for me so again I really appreciate you sharing that side of it I think it's so important that people hear and understand that you know Joshua wasn't hatched as this epic Crush Monster uh he went through his journey Also let's talk about get you done mode uh talk about the brand what are you offering what are some of the things you're most excited about yeah I do so you know the podcast started where um you know I I with the successes that I was having in my real estate business you know I I very quickly got to the point where people were reaching out to me to allow them to take me out to lunch to take my brain right and and I'm one that you know I like I wouldn't be where I'm at if I didn't have so many amazing people that were willing to share advice and pour to me at a point where there is nothing that I could do to add value to their life and they chose to add value to mine you know so I've always felt a kind of a deep you know um uh obligation to go out there and repay that you know pay it forward if you will however you want to look at that uh with that so you know but then it got to a point where my my growth just kept accelerating but also you know more Awards more accolades more people reaching out and she's got the point where I couldn't sustain it it was like dude I had to make a decision of you know like like it was hard enough just getting all my work done and seeing my family on a daily basis and I just couldn't couldn't respond and go out there and do all these things with all these people so then I you know just started saying okay hey man just send me your question you know I can't have you take that to launch but do this send me your question I'll record a video I'll toss it on YouTube now you can have it you can have it forever you can keep watching it um and then it might help out other people you know so before I actually started GSD mode podcast I had released hundreds of videos of doing this and um um you know that then just led into you know other things man where I started liking creating the content and you know um uh so I just started to you know then hey let me turn this podcast into a thing you know so about eight years ago you know launched a GSD mode podcast to get done mode podcast where you know focus is you know real estate entrepreneurship and health and fitness so kind of you know three focus is there and that led into other things too right it was okay after um about 10 years of building my own real estate business I got to the point where I built it into a true business or what I deem to be a true business meaning I was able to exit from production operations I replaced myself the CEO so now here I am I'm like I'm used to working 80 hours a week and now I'm not working on board like what the hell else am I gonna do well you know at that time you had so many people you know reaching out asking if I coached them and it was just always busy build my own business you know so then I'm like okay what's that next move I'm gonna make well man I love love work you know like I love the B2B side of this business I'm damn good at it um um there's demand there so let me start a coaching business you know so then I launched that is is my next thing and then as I start doing the coaching business you know I have an abundance of of real estate professionals reaching out to me saying Hey I want to use the systems and the software that you use but man I can't afford the 1500 a month systems so I went out there and trying to solve their problems I realized man nothing's been created for the individual agent out there that's affordable that's an all-in-one system yeah I couldn't find like I didn't want to I I never plan on getting into software um but again didn't exist out there there was demand um and it's something that I was you know good at so went out there and created my own software company in the beginning it was you know just an individual agent product now it's morphed and we have you know brokerages with hundreds of agents that that are using our plan so it's you know individual agent team leader broker owner but that came out of demand too it wasn't you know wasn't necessarily intentional right um you know and then that's led into other things franchising other things that we're now doing today you know um I don't know if that answers your question I kind of forgot what your original question is but yeah that's what we're up to now today yeah the original question was about the brand and what what are we doing in the brand so that that directly answers it um the the CRM piece really jumped out at me because this is something that we have struggled with since since Jump Street I started in the business in the 90s the late 90s and I the difference between a workflow today and a workflow back then it could not be more opposite uh I didn't grow up uh with an iPhone in my hand but I had the benefit of learning the old school tactics and coming up through the tech piece where I was still young enough to kind of adapt and listen and learn and I love that you're solving for what to me has been the biggest challenge is the crms there are so many programs and it's painfully obvious that they're built by programmers that don't have practical experience in the day of an agent right there's so many things you gotta click and add and subtract and file and Note and reminders that all of those things are essential by the way but the real estate mind thinks differently than a programmer's  mind and it felt like all of the platforms even the best platforms were built by a programmer without the influence of a master deal maker like yourself yeah the great part about it is you know like I'm I'm you're not just the owner of company I'm also our biggest client you know so so it's like you know like we're using it every single day to build our businesses so you know we're seeing okay where the Improvement pieces need to be and you know and to your point man it's like you know other serums I've used in the past it's like man it would take me three or four times longer to clear up my daily task queue you know just because of a of a simple you know setup of you know hey like let me have this contact record do everything in that contact record I can see the task I can update the task do what I need to do and then just click a button to go to the next you know I was like every other like how to back out going keep it going to here and just those little tiny things that people don't understand unless you're in it you know day in and day out and you know um uh and our Focus has been you know because one of my issues with systems is next thing you know you got 10 different systems you know it's yeah and there's really nobody truly all-in-one system you know so I'm like man let's build a system where we can do everything inside that system where we can you know manage and work all of our transactions we can you know have our same work all of our leads all of our clients over past clients all over our sphere of influence you know plus manager websites and or digital marketing you know so front and back end you know all of that and and with today's era that we're in in this digital landscape dude it's so important to you know know that tracking component you know so it's like like not only do I know that this came in from a Facebook ad or a YouTube you know ad or whatever I can know exactly which specific ad which specific video which you know all that becomes so important is digital marketing landscape to maximize cost per acquisition yeah it's it's everything man you're you're hitting on again as a someone who came up as a deal maker the frustration points and if you're not incredibly intentional and Incredibly disciplined it becomes very easy to use that as an excuse to not Prospect the right way to not follow up with the leads the right way to not track the ads in a b tests and do all of those things and as agents we're not necessarily great at that but providing a system that solves for all of those things allows you to be what you you do best right we want to keep deal makers making deal deals marketers market and programmers program deal makers make deals and it sounds like that's precisely what the the software does where can people learn the most do you have like all of the the coaching and the CRM is that all available for people in one spot yeah yeah they can go to gsdmode.com which is the Hub you know right where they you know access to where the podcast is at which we have about three thousand or so you know podcast releases over the years a lot of free resources on there too but then if they want to check out perfect storm you know um they can you know do that right there on the site or go to perfect stormdemo.com um and check out learn more about the coaching on there yeah and one thing to your point of of the CRM is I look at it a lot like my my experience in the gym business has helped a lot with a lot of this business man of you know it's like look you go into this gym you want to get in shape you go into this gym it's an amazing facility it's got all the things that you need inside there you know but you don't know how to use the equipment you don't know the right strategy to deploy you know um so you know one thing that we found because I'm gonna say like dude like we you know sometimes it takes you know a few few runs at it to get it right you know um in the very beginning then we had very high churn and I was like well why are we having this High churn I realize dude it's like it doesn't matter how good the system is if people don't know exactly how to use the system you know so then from there I got really intentional of okay I'm already doing all this stuff in my business like all you know having all the campaigns you know pre-built out I mean all my thousand day email Tech strips and for all these different detours I'm like yeah I've already spent you know years and years and years split testing these and the best messaging campaigns let me figure out a way to get these all built in the system where any of our clients can just adopt them if they choose to you know but then from there you'll realize that again it's not just about providing the tech it's like dude if you don't have the training coaching component along with that you know so like each one of our clients it's like okay like making sure everything's set up the way they need it for their business so you know very Hands-On making sure they have all the right campaigns in place they have all the right you know everything's set up so now they can just get in there and start using it and know how to utilize it you know um but then you know ongoing you know we do you know like I personally do you know two hours of weekly live training you know where everybody has access to me like all of our customers have direct access to me you know so I found that if you don't have that kind of coaching and training component you know along with the software it's like it just man you know why why is churn high right because people were having success with it you know right so if we you know see you know now our turn's very low you know because of those factors so the attrition rates on even uh the quote-unquote best uh platforms out there are astronomical because people don't have that support it's very frustrating when you don't have that other side of it to teach you how to use the the platform so are you guys coaching and is your platform built for a newbie or someone that's kind of hit capacity and looking for scale Brokers everyone is between all of the above man um yeah we have just if you look at like okay my whole entire business my real estate business operates on that system there's 114 of us and that's a combination of of agents and and recruiters and admin and managers you know um so whether an individual agent we've structured our pricing for that too you know we're about a fifth of the cost of our our you know competitors out there you know when it comes to that but it's a you know a charge per seat and there's a cap with that you know um um you know I can't tell you how many clients that we have come on that were paying 25000 a month for this system our system's only 199 a month you know but then it's you know 25 bucks for each agent user that they add admin are all free um you know for that so yeah I mean it can be whatever level that you're at man it's it's um yeah because that's important man you got to be able to because that was one of the three frustrations I had was okay this system would work good but then I got to the next level well then I'd have to keep upgrading my systems because it no longer worked it's like okay you need systems that can you can grow with you know inside your business you know and then the cool part too is with our with our clients I'm able to give them guidance on you know how to go out there and grow their brokerage how to let them grow their teams and you know they have daily access to me so so that that's uh probably the biggest challenge is is scale scaling the right way uh and I love the idea that the system is built to allow you to go through those processes from literally a newbie all the way up through you know if anyone's hitting your levels I think that you know let that be their biggest complaint right so uh look man this has been a great conversation I I can't thank you enough for taking the time to come on you're you're an inspiration the podcast rocks it's absolutely outstanding folks with great info um best place for people to find everything we're going to point them to gsdmo.com yep yep gstmode.com that's kind of the Hub or you can find me you know whether it's YouTube any social media platform uh uh just Joshua Smith GSD so you'll find me everywhere so yeah all the links always folks will be down below in the show notes uh man I really appreciate the time this was great yeah it's been an honor my friend thank you so much thanks be well all right as always folks please stay safe [Music] foreign [Music]